Georgia Features & Landmarks (Physical, Cultural & Historic Features)


Georgia Physical Features, Cultural Features & Historical Landmarks

Physical Cultural Historical


Areas 17
Bars 65
Basins 48
Bays 47
Beaches 7
Bends 81
Canals 25
Capes 93
Channels 131
Cliffs 119
Crossings 100
Falls 27
Flats 39
Gaps 477
Guts 35
Islands 460
Lakes 794
Levees 2
Pillars 5
Plains 1
Ranges 8
Rapids 13
Reservoirs 3,866
Ridges 256
Slopes 3
Springs 208
Streams 5,649
Summits 1,039
Swamps 488
Valleys 236
Woods 4
  Public and Private Airports 317
  Heliports 116
  Seaplane Bases and Anchorages 3
Cemeteries 6,920
Education - Schools
  Other Schools 676
  Elementary Schools 1,178
  Middle Schools 455
  High Schools 419
  Colleges & University 151
  Technical & Trade School 37
Emergency Response & Law Enforcement
  Ambulance Service 30
  Fire Station & EMS Station 1,775
  Law Enforcement 744
  Prisons & Correctional Facilities 137
Federal Lands & Reserves
  National Cemeteries 2
  Forests 6
  Parks 11
  Wilderness Areas 14
  Wildlife Areas 14
Government Services
  City or Town Hall 440
  Court House 166
  Post Offices 722
Hospitals & Medical Centers 176
Native American Areas
  Reservations 1
  State Designated American Indian Statistical Area 2
Public Landmarks & Attractions
  Campgrounds 28
  Picnic Areas 31
  Trailheads 100
  Visitor Centers 16